
Blog of Strategic,General and Financial Management (English/Spanish)

Strategycorner is now expanding its content to include posts about General Management, Financial Management, Finance Transformation, Marketing and HR Management. Posts will be published in English or Spanish.

At the end of the blog there are different charts about Strategic Management in Spanish. In the archive area you could find a lot of posts about strategy and its execution in English/Spanish.

Jesús Peral
Executive MBA IE Business School, Madrid,Spain

Master in Strategic Management
IDE-CESEM Business School, Madrid, Spain

Find at the end of blog all charts related to Strategic Management topics commented in the posts

Mapa Estratégico Genérico/Strategy Map

Mapa Estratégico Genérico/Strategy Map
Mapa Estratégico Completo

Modelo de Dirección Estratégica/Strategic Management Model

Modelo de Dirección Estratégica/Strategic Management Model
Modelo desarrollado en las entradas 1 a 100. Ver archivo del blog
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lunes, 4 de julio de 2016

Managing your boss

I write this post with a profound respect for all the bosses I have had in my career so far. Some of them were very good, good, bad and even very bad. But from all of them I have learnt a lot of things that have contributed to my management style.

This post is about sharing my experience to manage your boss. If you want to achieve results, innovate and get on you have to learn how to manage your boss. If you really believe something needs to be done and you cannot do it without the consent of your boss you have to work out how you are going to manage him.

So what do you need to know?  For example:

·         Get agreement from him on what you want to do

·         Deal with him over problems

·         Impress him so that he is more likely to accept your proposals and to place his trust in you.

The above is not exact science but will help you in the vast majority of situations.

Getting agreement from your boss is in many ways like getting agreement from anyone else. You need to be good at case presentation and at, let´s say, persuasion. To put some examples of the things you would need to do (everyone could have a personal list based on his/her own experience, of course):

·         Find out what he expects

·         Establish how he likes things presented to him. For example, does he like long written reports? Or does he prefer a succinct proposal on one side of one sheet of paper?

·         Get to know how he likes things done. How? By observation and by asking other people. If something goes wrong, choose the right moment and ask him/her advice on how to do it better next time (just a comment, most people love being asked of their advice!!)

·         Find out the right time to approach him. For example, some people are at their best first thing. Others take time to warm up!! Check of his mood in advance, very important indeed. His/her assistant can help.

·         Decide whether you want support. For example, you may be able to make a better case on a one for one basis.

·         Don’t go in for open confrontation if you cannot get your own way at first. For example, get your boss to agree with what he is prepared to agree and then turn to the problem areas. Emphasize joint responsibility.

·         Leave him an escape route, in other words, a way open to consent without his having to climb down. Don’t beat him into the ground, you know why? You might win this one but what about the next time?

·         Don’t overwhelm him with your ideas. For example, don’t expect to achieve everything at once. Tackle one important thing at a time.

·         If your boss comes up with a better idea than yours, recognize and accept it. Everybody likes recognition!!

·         If you cannot convince him first time remember that he/she is the boss. He/she makes the ultimate decisions.

On the second thing, how we could deal with problems? For example, things are going wrong or you have made a mistake. You need the help of your boss in sorting out a problem. What approach should you adopt? Some ideas:

·         Keep him informed. Never let him be taken by surprise. For example, prepare him in advance for the bad news. Give him hope!!

·         If something has gone wrong explain what has happened, why it has happened (but, very important, with no excuses) and would you like to do about it. Emphasize you are seeking his views on what you propose as well as his agreement.

·         If you think he is to blame, “never say” I told you so. If you do, you will probably make an enemy for life!!

·         If you admit responsibility try to stop your boss keeping on at you. For example, steer him away from recriminations into a positive attitude on what you can together do to solve the problem.

Your purpose is not solely to impress your boss. But you will get more done and get on better if you impress him. Your boss needs to trust you, to rely upon you and to believe in your capacity to come up with good ideas and to make things happen. So what to do to succeed in impressing your boss? Do something as follows:

·         Always be frank and open. Admit mistakes. Never lie or even shade the truth.

·         Aim to help your boss to be right. Recognize that you exist to give him support.

·         Don’t trouble him unnecessarily with your problems.

·         Provide him with protection when required!! Loyalty can be an old fashioned virtue, but you owe it to your boss. Because if you cannot be loyal to him you should be out from under as quick as you can.

Conclusion could be to come up with solutions not problems. Your boss, normally, wants answers not questions and think in something very important, why make an enemy of your boss when you could have him as friend? Sometimes is really difficult depending on the situations, own personalities, working environment, corporate culture etc but remember, for me, success is the happiness of your boss!!!

Good luck !!!!



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